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Turner, Kerry - Apollo, A concert Overture for 10 Horns, Opus 87

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Apollo for 10 horns was commissioned by the Alexander Horn Ensemble Japan. The members of this fine ensemble specified that this new piece would be played as the opening piece on a concert. This is why it is subtitled “A Concert Overture.” Before departing for Amsterdam, where the composer often finds inspiration to compose, Mr. Turner was philosophizing rather extensively about the nature, purpose, and energy of this new composition. Turner believes that the world is in need of art, beauty, melody, harmony, and healing. These words were indeed the underlying muse that dictated the composition. It was therefore obvious what the title of the new work would be. In Greek Mythology, Apollo is said to be the god of these very elements. 

Apollo was composed May 9-11, 2019, in Amsterdam. It is the composer’s sincere wish that his music will bring beauty, melody, harmony, and healing to those who hear it.