Replacement backpack strap for all models. These feature a web strap, which when doubled back over itself, will NOT slip. . Price is for one strap.
Cost: $18.00 ea.
4 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Wiseman Case LIFE SAVER
I bought these because the leather straps on my Wiseman case were too long (I couldn't adjust them to be short enough for my back/torso size) and too bulky. These have made my Wiseman case manageable. HIGHLY recommend the strap swap-out!
MB straps
I will probably swap out for carabiner connections to the case. The screw connectors are clearly secure, but much more difficult to use quickly
Backpack Straps
I've been thinking about getting a pair for a long time! Happy to finally have some. Very helpful when I'm carrying other things and I just want to put my horn on my back. Haven't had any problems with them, and didn't take long for them to arrive.
Shoulder saver
Extremely comfortable, works great on an older version case.