This is an Alexander 103 from their classic period in the mid 60's. During this time the Boston Symphony had many 103's in the section! This one has had the rotors rebuilt, thus the perfect compression reading of 0.1. That job typically costs over $1800! That's about half the price of this horn! This horn is made of unlacquered yellow brass. It has a large patch inside the flare where the hand sits (as a protective guard) and there are 2 more guards at the top of the horn. The left hand guards are both custom as well, and there's another one where the thumb lever is. All of this shows that this horn was dearly loved and the owner took every step to prolong its life. If you forget about those guards/patches, and just focus on the fabulous way it plays and sounds you'll discover that you've got a GREAT horn on your hands. Dark sound - great high range, freshly ultrasonically cleaned!
An Alexander fixed bell case is included.